Once lost~うしなったもの~
A fox in the blowing……
Stands in the fog ~霧……
Autumn sky in summer……
Flowers or Weeds~タチカ……
Lilac expressing lov……
Two sides~すずらん~
wait for spring~春待つ街……
an autumn leaf~枯葉、舞う……
a bee into the lotus……
silent cherry blosso……
Shining spring~輝く春~
Blue pond with autum……
I am watching you.~ち……
Hanabi with autumn f……
Lilies at early morn……
Unknown yellow flowe……
Japanese dog's tooth……
Two crane truck~クレーン……
Beginning and ending……
Orangish snow field ……
Timid Hokkaido Red F……
Pale blueish sky and……
Three trees~3本の木~
Sleeping dacks on ic……
What are you looking……
Gems made by snow~雪で……
Blue light shows up ……
Life with the mounta……
A road in autum~秋の道路……
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